Does Your Commercial Insurance Policy Cover Theft in Sandpoint, Idaho?

As a business owner in Sandpoint, ID, you are likely well aware of the risks involved in owning and operating a business. In order to protect your company, it is crucial that you take the time to obtain appropriate commercial insurance. However, with so many options available, it can be hard to determine which policy is best for you and your business. Commercial insurance is definitely a must, but it is important to look at what the policy covers before signing up.

Is Theft a Covered Item?

Because theft is common for commercial businesses, it is important that it is a covered item in your business insurance policy. Under most circumstances, theft of goofs or other company property is covered. However, this can still vary from policy to policy. As a general rule, the insurance company will pay for any income loss that occurred as a direct result of the particular theft. If a window or door was broken in order for the criminal to enter your place of business, the repairs are generally covered as well.

You May Want to Consider Additional Coverage

Although the basic commercial insurance policy will probably provide you with enough coverage in the event that a theft does occur, you may want to consider adding additional coverage just in case. Depending on how serious the theft was, your policy may limit the amount of money that they will pay to you. This could cause you to be unable to replace all the equipment and goods that were stolen.

Ultimately, when it comes to your business in Sandpoint, ID, you need to take the time to speak to one of our independent agents. We are here to help you find the most appropriate plan that will match your particular needs. Don't let a theft bring your business down, give our commercial insurance agents a call today!

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