Affordable Homeowners Insurance Rates in Idaho

There are several tactics homeowners can take to find the most affordable homeowners insurance rates available to them. Here are two ways you can try lowering your premiums, if you live in Idaho.

Install a Security System

Many insurance companies provide a discount to homeowners who install security systems. Typically these discounts are given as a percentage, and the percentage is determined by the type of system installed. While most insurance companies extend this discount, you should always check with your insurance agent to make sure that you will receive it.

Combining Insurance Policies

Most insurance policies also offer discounts to people who have multiple policies with them. As a homeowner in Idaho, you likely also have a car, if not two, and perhaps an RV, boat or ATV. Each of these should be insured. If you do not have all your policies with the same company, consider combining them for an additional discount.

Get New Quotes

Anytime you are considering making a significant change to your home, such as installing a new security system, it will alter how insurance companies calculate your premiums. Therefore, immediately preceding or following such a change is a good time to shop around for a new homeowners insurance policy. Your current insurer may not provide as large a discount as one of their competitors.

If you have recently made such a change, or if your policies are with different companies, use our simple rate comparison tool to see if you can save money by switching insurers. It will pull quotes from major insurers in Idaho, so you can see how your current one compares.