Keep Your Garage Sale Safe

When setting up garage sales, safety isn’t usually on the forefront of people’s minds. Instead, they’re focused on pricing and displaying items. If you’re organizing things for a garage sale, though, make sure to keep in mind some basic safety tips.

Safety at Garage Sales

Safety doesn’t need to get in the way of pricing and setting up items for sale, but it’s something you should keep in mind at all times. Organizing your sale around a few common-sense principles will reduce the likelihood that someone accidently gets hurt. For example, you can:

  • place sharp objects out of the reach of small children
  • keep small items on tables so people don’t trip over them
  • make sure there’s a clear pathway through your wares

These are all simple steps but will help keep your sale safe for everyone who comes.

Your Liability Coverage

No matter how much attention you give to safety, you can’t eliminate all accidents. To protect yourself if there is an accident on your property, you should have liability coverage.

Most homeowners insurance policies include personal liability coverage, although policies’ terms and conditions that govern the coverage vary widely. If someone is injured in an incident that’s covered by your liability coverage, your insurance policy may protect you.

If you only have limited liability coverage through your current homeowners policy, consider increasing your protection before you have a garage sale. At The Insurance Shop USA, we can help you find a new homeowners policy if you live in Sandypoint, ID. In just a few moments, our agents can find you a policy with the liability coverage you want. To get in touch with them, send us an email through our website.